Good News From The Ministry Of Transportation, There Is A Free Vaccine Program For Sailors In Tanjung Priok

JAKARTA - The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) held a free Covid-19 vaccination program for public transportation service officers including seafarers, which was located at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta on June 10-18, 2021. the people or the maritime community in the Tanjung Priok port environment can get the opportunity to carry out vaccinations. We thank President Joko Widodo and the Ministry of Health for giving extraordinary attention to transportation workers including seafarers," said Head of the Tanjung Priok Main Port Authority Office, Wisnu Handoko in a press statement, in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Sunday, June 13. Wisnu said the mass vaccination carried out at transportation nodes, especially at the Tanjung Priok port, was proof of the government's concern for seafarers and also the maritime community. Carrying the tagline "Indonesian Heroes (Healthy and Ready Onboard Seafarers), Wisnu said, the vaccination activity targeting 10,000 people and a maximum of 1,000 people every day starting at 08.00 WIB until 15.00 WIB. This is to anticipate crowds and still prioritize health protocols. next June. When on t the date is not in accordance with the target, so we will extend the time to achieve the target, "said Wisnu.

He emphasized the importance of vaccination in supporting port and sea transportation service activities, both logistics and passengers to provide protection from the risk of the spread of Covid-19. This vaccination activity was prioritized for seafarers, loading and unloading workers (TKBM), truck drivers, ship passengers, port workers. , as well as the community around the Tanjung Priok port. "For company leaders, terminal, trucking and shipping operators to ensure that their employees have registered to take part in the COVID-19 mass vaccination," he emphasized. improve in carrying out their duties. So that transportation service activities, both passengers and logistics, can still run well and transportation people can survive this pandemic. Because transportation actors, especially at the Tanjung Priok port, have very high interaction and mobility with the community. While waiting for the vaccine queue, keep implementing the 5M health protocol, by keeping a distance while sitting waiting in line, wearing masks, washing hands, avoiding crowds and limiting mobility. The location and waiting room were prepared by considering that approximately 1,500 people will attend per day and are always guarded by joint security officers. "We appreciate and thank all parties, both government agencies and stakeholders who have participated in this vaccination activity," he concluded. .