Online Taxi Driver Woman Killer From Medan Whose Body Dumped In Mount Salak Aceh Arrested

BANDA ACEH - The Aceh Police have uncovered the murder of a female online taxi driver from Medan, North Sumatra (Sumut) whose body was found at Km 31, Gunung Salak, North Aceh.

The Head of Public Relations of the Aceh Police, Kombes Winardy, accompanied by the Director of General Criminal Investigation at the Aceh Police, Kombes Ade Harianto, said that the police had arrested a murder suspect with the initials MY.

"MY was arrested at the Seulimeum Mosque, Aceh Besar, Wednesday (8/6) at 23.30 WIB. Currently, MY is still being investigated intensively. It is estimated that there are more than one perpetrator. Hopefully the other perpetrators will be caught quickly," said Kombes Winardy, quoted by Antara, Friday. , June 11th.

The arrest of the alleged perpetrator MY was based on the development of information carried out by the police. Currently, their respective teams are developing information to arrest other suspected perpetrators.

Previously, Kombes Winardy said, an unidentified female body was found in the ravine of Jalan KKA-Bener Meriah, the trajectory of the Mount Salak tourist attraction, Kilometer 31, Nisam Antara District, North Aceh, Sunday, June 6.

The victim departed from Medan on June 3 to take passengers to Lhokseumawe City, Aceh. Until finally the victim's family received information about the discovery of a woman's body in the gorge of the Mount Salak tourist attraction.