COVID-19 Patient In Bogor Escapes From Isolation Center

BOGOR - Bogor Mayor Bima Arya confirmed that a positive COVID-19 patient who was being treated at the COVID-19 Isolation Center at the Ciawi BPKP Training Center building escaped.

"Oh yes, I have received the chronological report. Later we will reprimand the officer, why did it happen like that," said Bima Arya, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 11.

He stated that he would tighten security surveillance at the COVID-19 Isolation Center at the Ciawi BPKP building, Bogor City, to avoid similar incidents.

"The incident was leaving the place without permission. Why did this happen, there will be an evaluation," he continued.

There have been no reports of the escape of the COVID-19 patient. But Bima Arya was worried that if the person was not found immediately, he could transmit COVID-19 to other people he met.

Previously, information circulated that a positive patient for COVID-19, a 60-year-old man, a resident of West Bogor District, had fled from the treatment center at the Bogor City COVID-19 Isolation Center at the Ciawi BPKP Training Center building.

West Bogor Sub-district Head Irman Khaerudin said based on the report he received, a search had been carried out to a number of places the patient might have visited, but had not yet been found.

He explained that officers had visited his residence and met his family, but the family also stated that they did not know.