4.5 Million Doses Of Vaccine Have Been Given To Residents, DKI Deputy Governor: Thank God There Are No Complaints

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that currently the DKI Provincial Government has carried out 4.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccination to residents.

Residents who have been vaccinated are groups of health workers, the elderly, public service officers, and vulnerable communities. Also, private employees who take part in the Gotong Royong vaccine program.

"As of 21.00 WIB yesterday, there were 4,574,139 doses. Those were the first and second doses. The first dose was 2,728,441, the second dose was 1,845,698," said Riza in the West Jakarta area, Friday, June 11.

With this achievement, Riza hopes that by the end of the year DKI has injected the COVID-19 vaccine to 8.8 million citizens who are the targets of the vaccination program.

Today, Riza reviewed the implementation of vaccines for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Slipi Jaya. On the first day, the vaccine was administered to 481 people.

"In about 3 days, maybe more than 1,300 have been vaccinated here for the MSME group," he said.

"Thank God there are no problems, no complaints. The vaccine is good. I asked the officers and residents, there are no problems. Hopefully the implementation of the vaccine in DKI Jakarta can be even better," he said.

Regarding the development of COVID-19 cases, Riza admitted that there had been an increase in cases over the last few days. In fact, as of June 10, new cases in the capital reached 2,096 cases.

"This is a positive increase. Previously there were 1371 cases, yesterday 2096. However, the cure rate is still high reaching 95.4 percent, the death rate is quite low at 1.7 percent," he said.