Academics: Structuring Kesawan Can Grow Investment And Business In Medan City

JAKARTA - Academician from the Business Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of North Sumatra, Nana Dyki Dirbawanto, SE, MBA, said that the arrangement of Kota Lama Kesawan has the potential to grow investment and business in Medan City.

"We encourage the Medan City Government to open as wide opportunities as possible for the private sector to participate in structuring the Old Town of Kesawan, including the Warenhuis Building," said Nana in Medan, quoted from Antara, Thursday, June 11.

In fact, he continued, especially since the Medan City Government led by Bobby Nasution also involves foreign investment (PMA), it is considered something that can be justified, because the goal of structuring Kesawan is to become a Medan City brand in the future.

The success of structuring a number of old cities in Indonesia, he explained, including Jalan Braga in Bandung, Kota Lama in Semarang, and Kota Tua in Jakarta cannot be separated from private support.

He continued that now the three old city areas on the island of Java have become brands and attractions in bringing in tourists, thereby contributing to local revenue (PAD).

"I think that the mayor's step in managing the old city area in Medan is appropriate and it must be done. However, the private sector is involved. We can no longer rely on the APBD or the APBN, because the budget is limited," he explained.

Nana, who is a graduate of the State University of Semarang (S1) and the Bandung Institute of Technology (S2), explained that one of the efforts that the Medan City Government must take to attract the private sector to invest is security guarantees.

"The private sector must feel confident, if investment in Medan City is truly guaranteed. In addition, reforming the bureaucracy, especially in the licensing process," said Nana Dyki Dirbawanto.