Semarang City Government Will Rent Hotel To Place COVID-19 Quarantine

SEMARANG - The Semarang City Government plans to rent a hotel as a place to quarantine COVID-19 patients to increase the capacity of beds as isolation rooms.

Semarang Mayor Hendrar Prihadi said the number of positive COVID-19 patients being treated in the capital city of Central Java had increased.

He said that about 45 percent of the total patients being treated at various hospitals and quarantine places came from outside the city of Semarang.

"This is a backup measure if the bed availability is full," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 10.

The plan, said Hendi, as Hendrar Prihadi is known, has been communicated with a number of hotel managers.

However, he continued, the number of COVID-19 cases is expected to decrease in the next one to two weeks so that the plan does not need to be implemented.

Based on data from the page as of Thursday, at 22.00 WIB, the number of positive COVID patients was recorded at 1,123 people.

Of that number, 612 patients came from the city of Semarang, the remaining 517 came from outside the capital city of Central Java. The number of COVID-19 sufferers who died was recorded at 3,122 people.