Watch Out, Russia Builds Subsonic Bomber Equipped With Hypersonic Missiles And Self-protection Features

JAKARTA - Russia will equip the latest generation strategic bomber aircraft (PAK DA) which is being developed by aircraft manufacturer Tupolev, will get the latest and most advanced armor, protecting it from all kinds of weapons, according to sources in the Russian defense industry.

In its development, this strategic bomber will have protection from enemy aircraft, as well as anti-ballistic missile defense with electronic warfare technology.

"A new protection device is being developed for the PAK DA, to help evade all types of weapons, including radar and optical systems," the source said.

The source said the new strategic bomber will only carry onboard weapons, including long-range missiles that are not mounted on the wings, but are stored in the fuselage.

"This will allow the aircraft to move away from enemy air defense zones, strike designated targets from distant oceanic regions or from the territory of other countries," the source said, adding that now a prototype PAK DA is being built. TASS has yet to confirm this information.

Russian Tupolev Tu-160 strategic bomber. (Wikimedia Commons/Sergey Lysenko)

To note, in mid-December 2019, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexei Krivoruchko told the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper that the design of the PAK DA bomber concept had been approved, while Tupolev began working on the design documentation. The TASS source said that production of the first prototype of the new strategic bomber began in May 2020.

Russia's Prospective Aviation Complex of Long-Range Aviation (PAK DA) strategic bomber project, has a 'flying wing' design. Next-generation bombers will use technology and materials capable of dampening radar detection.

As for weaponry, Russia's new strategic bomber is capable of carrying existing and future strategic cruise missiles, precision bombs and hypersonic weapons. Supported by the latest communication devices and electronic warfare systems, with subsonic speeds.