Yogyakarta Is Optimistic That Its Economy Will Grow 6 Percent In 2021, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X's Subordinates: The First Quarter Is Already 6.14 Percent

JAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Government, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), is optimistic about achieving the economic growth target of six percent in 2021.

"In the first quarter, economic growth in Yogyakarta has reached 6.14 percent. This growth also represents economic growth in the City of Yogyakarta," said Assistant Secretary for the Regional Secretary for the Economy of Yogyakarta Kadri Renggono in Yogyakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, June 10.

According to him, the trend of economic growth until the end of the first semester of 2021 also shows good development and the telecommunications sector is the largest contributor to economic growth in Yogyakarta. The purchasing power of the people has also increased.

"During this pandemic, many people use the internet to support their daily activities. Therefore, the telecommunications sector is growing very rapidly," he said.

However, there are still a number of other sectors that have not shown encouraging growth, such as the transportation and accommodation sector.

Meanwhile, Yogyakarta Mayor Haryadi Suyuti said the trend of improving economic growth must also be accompanied by an increase in the implementation of more disciplined health protocols.

"What is expected now is that economic growth will increase and COVID-19 cases can be suppressed," he said.

Therefore, Haryadi continued, the Yogyakarta City Government is trying as much as possible to carry out economic recovery while handling cases, including completing the COVID-19 vaccination program.

"In some areas, COVID-19 cases are still fluctuating due to the Lebaran holiday. For the city of Yogyakarta, it is hoped that people will continue to carry out various new habits as part of the health protocol. Wear masks, wash hands, stay away from crowds and other anticipations," he said.

Meanwhile, Yogyakarta City Secretary Aman Yuriadijaya said that one of the efforts to recover the economy while maintaining health protocols is through the use of digital technology.

"Facilitating the sale of products online for SMEs, including traders in the market, is one of the government's efforts to recover the economy while maintaining health protocols," he said.

In addition, he continued, SMEs in the city of Yogyakarta also continue to be equipped with digital capabilities so that they can be independent and sell products online. "Digitalization has become a necessity today and must be controlled by SMEs," he said.