Commemorating National Social Media Day, What Have You Done To Knit Unity?

PURWOKERTO – Social media has now become a new force. It used to be underestimated, now it's very strong. On the momentum of this national social media commemoration day, what have you done in knitting unity?

The issue of this unity becomes interesting, because people's social media are becoming hostile. A real example occurred in the case of the elections and the presidential election, where the public was polarized towards support for the first and second presidential candidates. And the legacy of the presidential election that produced the tadpole and campret camps is still going on even though the elected president has been inaugurated. When Jokowi and Prabowo Subianto were united in the government, the supporters at the bottom were still divided.

This is the reflection expressed by an academic from the State Islamic University (UIN) Prof. KH Saifuddin Zuhri (UIN SAIZU) Purwokerto, Central Java, Pupilan, M.Ag. According to him, the commemoration of National Social Media Day every June 10 is the right momentum to care for diversity and build unity. June as reported by Antara.

Disciple, M.Ag (Dok Antara)

Head of the Laboratory of the Faculty of Da'wah UIN Prof. KH Saifuddin Zuhri explained that the trend of using social media in Indonesia has increased significantly so that it must be utilized properly for the benefit of the nation. wise in using social media," he said. According to him, every individual should use social media for positive purposes and full of responsibility. "Social media must be used positively and with a sense of responsibility, should not be arbitrary, do not upload anything which can damage diversity and divide the unity and integrity of the nation," he said.

He added that social media must be used according to its function, namely as a medium of communication between each other, between governments and the people as well as to spread useful information and can educate the public. "For the Indonesian people, diversity is a reality that cannot be denied. , meaning that diversity must inspire the emergence of togetherness, live side by side peacefully, help each other, strengthen each other and also support each other for the progress of the nation," he said. social media wisely so that it can become the glue of nationality and knit unity. "Therefore, on this commemoration of Social Media Day, let's jointly intensify campaigns so that social media is used for good purposes and in a good way," said Pupilan.