Types Of Cute Little Dogs That Can Be Adopted In Indonesia

YOGYAKARTA - Dogs are one of the favorite pets in Indonesia. Its unique posture with adorable behavior makes this animal very popular with the general public. Dogs are also known as human close friends besides cats. But the dog can be trained and can be obedient.

We can also do various kinds of games with dogs. One of them is to throw something to pick up. But besides that, there are some dogs that are liked because of their mini shape. There are many small dog breeds in the world that can be adopted, some in Indonesia are as follows:

1. Yorkshire Terrier Dog

This animal is a type of small dog. The color of the nose is black, the eyes are medium-sized dark. The ears of this dog are V-shaped. The tail is usually clipped/docked of medium length and made slightly high from the back. This dog is small and has long hair.

Terrier Dog (Unsplash)

2. Papillon dog breed

Papillon is a small dog breed that originated in France and Japan. It has ears that tend to be straight. Papillon dogs have a long tail, with fringed fur, curved on the back with tufts of fur forming a plume. The Papillon dog has also become a fashion icon trend in Japan since the 70s. The shape is cute and can be a friend to play with at home.

Papillon dog breed

3. Bulldog

Bulldogs are of medium size and energy level. broad body, large, snub snout, short legs and has extra skin that falls folded, large nose with folds next to it. Black nose with a big hole. However, this type requires regular exercise but enough to do low activities, such as being invited to go around every two days.

Bulldog (Unsplash)

4. Mini Pom/Pomeranian puppies

The Pomeranian dog is a small dog breed Spitz or thick and long hair and with small and erect ears. This dog comes from Germany and is often called a pom-pom dog and weighs between 1.2 to 3.2 kilograms. The size of the head is proportional to the body and looks like a fox.

Mini Pom

5. Small Dog Breed "Shih Tzu"

Shih Tzu as the name implies, this dog is one of the oldest breeds of dog originating from China. This dog breed is a small animal with a characteristic of thick and long fur. They can have thick hair that covers the ears, with a sturdy body, short snout, and short legs. (CAMP)

Shih Tzu Dog (Unsplash)