Alhamdulillah, 6 Tulungagung Residents Exposed To Anthrax From Dead Cows Gradually Improved

TULUNGAGUNG - Six residents suspected of being exposed to anthrax from dead cows in their village in Sidomulyo Village, Pagerwojo District, Tulungagung, East Java are now gradually recovering.

This recognition was conveyed by Agung Ari Saputra as the Head of Toro Hamlet, Sidomulyo Village who was also exposed to anthrax bacteria. The ulcer-like wound the size of a salak seed due to exposure to bacteria suspected of anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) appears to have started to deflate and dry out.

Agung's physique also looks fit with a bright face. "Thank God, my condition has improved. It's not completely dry, but it's much better," said Agung Ari Saputra as quoted from Antara, Wednesday, June 9.

Agung is one of six residents of Sidomulyo Village who experience symptoms of skin disorders with identical characteristics or characteristics of anthrax disease.

Five other confirmed residents also experienced the same symptoms, itching and blisters on the skin, followed by high fever.

This is in line with the continuous treatment process, under the supervision of the medical team from the Tulungagung Health Office and dr. Isaac.

Skin disorders experienced such as boils. At first it was a small spot, but then it got bigger and bigger until it was as big as a thumb with the middle part of the wound dry so it turned black like coal charcoal This feature is characteristic of anthrax disease.

"I think I was infected with anthrax bacteria while helping animal health workers from the Ministry of Agriculture, a team from the Yogyakarta BB Veterinary, and the Department of Home Affairs conducted an autopsy on one of the resident's cattle that died at that time," he said

When performing the surgery, Agung actually used personal protective equipment according to the standard for handling animals. Wear gloves, boots and wash hands after the action.

However, a week later Agung started to feel his hands itch and there were bumps like mosquito bites.

"At the autopsy, I was wearing rubber gloves but I don't know how come I can still be exposed," he said,

Realizing the risk of skin disease because he had just touched an unnaturally dead animal, Agung immediately went to the puskesmas for a check-up. Moreover, Agung also admitted that he felt fever and nausea on the second day.

Worried that something untoward would happen, Agung then checked this condition with the health workers. There are five residents who also show symptoms like Agung. They were then given drugs in the form of ointments and antibodies.

"Thank God this has dried up and no longer has a fever, he said if he didn't give medicine the wound would be even bigger," he said.

Agung admitted that his condition quickly improved because the anthrax symptoms he was experiencing were quickly treated. He also regularly treats wounds by giving ointments and ingested drugs according to the doctor's prescription.