Struggle Over Shopping Money, Karaoke Guide In Sentani Was Killed By His Lover, His Body Was Thrown Into The Abyss

JAYAPURA - Police arrested a man with the initials GL (23) who killed a woman with the initials MSE, his own lover. The perpetrator was emotional after a dispute about spending money.

Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Victor Dean Mackbon said the karaoke guide's murder took place on Wednesday, June 2.

"Previously MSE (27) was found dead around Nasendi's grave, Maribu Village, West Sentani District, Jayapura," said the Police Chief, quoted from the Police Public Relations statement, Wednesday, June 9.

The motive for the murder was because the perpetrator got emotional after an argument over money.

"The perpetrator was emotional when he heard it and immediately hit the victim's face 3 (three) times and the victim fell on the bed, then the perpetrator immediately strangled the victim's neck with both hands for 30 minutes until the victim did not move," continued the Police Chief.

After confirming that the victim was dead, the perpetrator wrapped the victim with a sheet to remove any traces of him. The victim's body was dumped the next day.

"The next day after the perpetrator came home from work, the perpetrator immediately took the victim using a borrowed truck to West Sentani and when he arrived at a place that felt safe, the perpetrator immediately stopped and lifted the victim from the car and pushed the body into a ravine and tried to cover the victim with leaves. "explained AKBP Victor.

The body was found by local residents right in the morning on Sunday, June 6 with a rotting condition and a bad smell. The police then investigated the case to arrest the killer.

"In this murder case, suspect GL (23) is charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison," said the Police Chief.