Witness Of The Social Assistance Case Reveals The Ministry Of Social's Direction To Use PT Sritex's Services In Procurement Of Goodie Bags

JAKARTA - Director of PT Andalan Pesik International, Rocky Josep Pesik, said that there was a direct direction from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) to buy goodie bags from PT Sritex.

This statement began when the public prosecutor (JPU) questioned the beginning of participating in the tender for the procurement of basic food packages at the Ministry of Social Affairs. Then, Rocky said it was known from his colleague named Bili.

"I learned about this social assistance from Mr. Bili, he was told that there was social assistance work," said Rocky in a trial at the Corruption Court, Wednesday, July 9.

From that information Rocky was tempted. However, there is a condition that must be met, namely using a goodie bag vendor belonging to a colleague from Bili.

"Then at that time Pak Bili told me, he didn't ask for anything, just asked for a bag, I was asked to buy it from a friend," he said.

Until finally, Rocky managed to become one of the vendors for the procurement of basic food packages. But he couldn't qualify to buy a goodie bag at a partner company from Bili.

Then, Bili directed Rocky to meet his friend, who later became known to Yogas and Iman, at a restaurant.

In the meeting, Yogas and Iman asked Rocky to give a fee because they could not fulfill the requirements.

"As a giver of information. Because I am also committed to Pak Bili that I buy a bag for his friend," he said.

That's when Rocky said there was a reason behind it all. Because the Ministry of Social Affairs gave directions to buy goodie bags at PT Sritex.

"Because of the direction from the Ministry of Social Affairs office that I have to buy from PT Sritex, the goodie bag," said Rocky.

Hearing that statement, the prosecutor then dug deeper into Rocky's statement. He was asked to explain how much fee was agreed upon in the meeting with Iman and Yogas.

"How much profit did you give?" asked the prosecutor.

"The total that I gave was IDR 460 million," answered Rocky.