Demographic Bonus Makes Indonesia's Economic Strengthening Potential Greater

JAKARTA - Central KPI Commissioner Yuliandre Darwis said currently as many as 85 percent or around 83,218 villages or sub-districts in Indonesia have obtained 4G access. Meanwhile, on the other hand, from the results of the 2020 population census, the number of generation Z and millennials dominates the Indonesian population.

"Indonesia is currently experiencing a demographic bonus, this is indicated by the decreasing number of the elderly Indonesian population, on the contrary the number of productive age population has increased or dominated as is happening today," he said in an online discussion held by BAKTI Kominfo with the theme "Millennials are Successful with the Internet. , Optimizing the Role of ICT for Educational and Business Media", quoted Tuesday, June 8th.

He assessed that Indonesia's current demographic potential is very large for strengthening and developing productive and quality young entrepreneurs. There is a bright spot behind the slumping economy.

"If you look at the development of technology, it gives birth to new opportunities, especially such as e-commerce, for example, customer robes in the form of a PT or CV have increased until 2020 by an average of 38.3 percent compared to 2019, which means that this situation is being used as an opportunity, especially now that we are establishing a PT. it can be carried out online through The Directorate General of General Legal Administration or the Directorate General of AHU," he said.

According to him, the existence of this online service gives flexibility in the process of making PT that can be done anytime and anywhere. Especially for young entrepreneurs. So there is no more complicated bureaucracy at this time.

"Indonesia is a pillar of the Southeast Asian startup ecosystem, the 9 largest startups in Southeast Asia, 5 from Indonesia, namely Gojek, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, OVO and Traveloka," he said.

He added that to carry out digital transformation, the country needs approximately 9 million digital talents or requires preparation or approximately 600,000 people per year.

"So we can build a good ecosystem for the growth of digital talents," he said.