Take Advantage Of Luck Star Trading Application Since 2007, HS Successfully Tricked Customers And Raised IDR 15.6 Billion

JAKARTA - The Special Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police (Jakbar) has arrested a perpetrator suspected of being involved in a fraudulent investment case using the Lucky Star application. The customer's loss in this case touched Rp. 15.6 billion.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ady Wibowo said the suspect, with the initials HS alias SS, had been making fraudulent investments since 2007.

"The suspect took a picture from Google and then digitally manipulated it so that the victims were interested in the perpetrators' illegal investment business," said Ady Wibowo in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 8.

Ady Wibowo explained that from the arrest, evidence was also secured by two laptops, three cell phones, one hard drive, 13 savings books, one document related to investment participant data and other documents.

Ady Wibowo added that the fraudulent investment fraud case was carried out by using the Lucky Star trading application, which is headquartered in Belgium. The suspect then promoted through social media.

Ady said that from the results of the investigation, it was found that the funds taken from the public (victims) were used as a cover for forex investment fraud, namely that the public's money did not go into the company's account but went into a personal account.

"From the results of the current investigation, we have identified 53 victims who participated in Lucky Star's illegal investments, from the evidence we have collected, a total loss of Rp. 15.6 billion," said Ady Wibowo.

However, according to Ady, the number of victims and losses is likely to increase because based on his investigation there are at least 100 people who participated in the investment.

Ady said the victims were promised a profit of up to four to six percent per month from the investment results.

He said the suspect was subject to Article 378 of the Criminal Code and or 372 of the Criminal Code on Fraud and or Embezzlement.

"We have opened a complaint post related to the illegal investment case. It is hoped that people who have become victims will immediately report to our complaint post at the West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit," explained Ady Wibowo.