Can Children's Learning Styles Change? First Know The Type And Adjust The Method

JAKARTA – A child will capture knowledge through the senses, starting from sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. In terms of learning styles, according to psychology, children are divided into three, namely visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

To find out a child's learning style, it is most appropriate from pre-school to kindergarten. At that time, children can follow the learning method and the prime tendency in which learning style. So what is the difference between these three learning styles?

Visual or vision

When entering the exploration phase and his curiosity is getting higher, the child will capture the world outside himself. Even the introduction of body parts can be said to be 'passed'. For children who are more receptive to knowledge through pictures, photos, videos, it is called having a visual learning style.

If your child has this type of learning, he will be easily distracted if he sees disturbing things such as people passing by while he is studying.

Auditory or hearing

Children with auditory learning type are easier to receive information from hearing. It can be marked if he will respond quickly to knowledge through telling stories. But he will be easily distracted from learning when he hears noise or does not make him comfortable.

Kinesthetic or movement

Kinesthetic or movement learning styles will be easier when teaching by pointing or accompanied by movements that are contextual to the learning material. Children with kinesthetic learning types, are usually disturbed if someone touches them.

Children can also have all three learning styles, but tend to have more potential in one of them. Then, can children's learning styles change? Especially schools that need to adjust to the current pandemic conditions.

A person's learning style can change with experience. Although changes in learning styles can not happen instantly and in a short time.

However, parents need to accompany and recognize their children's learning styles which tend to be adapted to environmental conditions.

If the online school is too difficult to regulate the child's focus, it means that parental assistance is very meaningful for him. And changing learning styles needs to be done consistently.