Indonesian Hajj 2021 Canceled, PKS Wants To Form A Special Committee

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VIII of the DPR RI from the PKS faction, Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) admitted that he would try to propose the formation of a special committee (pansus) for hajj funds in the DPR RI. This is to investigate the fate of the hajj funds after the government announced that Indonesian citizens had canceled their pilgrimage this year.

"The appointment of a special committee is something that makes a lot of sense and is very rational to form. I will convey this proposal to my faction. And if for example there are more formal proposals that propose, it will also encourage the DPR to accept more, " said HNW in a virtual discussion Front Page Comm, Tuesday, June 8.

HNW admitted that currently the only opposition parties in the DPR are PKS and Democrats. Meanwhile, the requirement for the formation of the special committee is more than one faction and a minimum of 25 members of the council are proposed.

However, according to him, the special committee regarding Hajj funds is a matter related to the interests of the wider community. It is possible that a number of other factions agreed to form a special committee even though they were in a coalition.

"Even though outside the government there are only PKS and Democrats, not everything that starts from the government can automatically run. For example, there is a presidential regulation on alcohol investment. The government wants it to be implemented, but we refuse. Finally it can be canceled," said HNW.

"So, if our attitude in the DPR refuses, then it is supported by the public with strong rationality, with a good solution, of course it will be realized. With more of us, it will be easier to pass the special hajj committee," he continued.

Not only that, HNW also asked the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) to audit the 2021 hajj funds in order to eliminate slander due to the decision to cancel this year's hajj.

This is also a transparency of Hajj funds, although the Ministry of Religion and BPKH also ensure that the money for prospective pilgrims who cancel their departure is parked safely and will be invested in Islamic banks.

"The demand for audits of hajj funds is growing. Even though there are guarantees from the Minister of Religion and the Head of BPKH that hajj funds are safe. To eliminate slander, and ensure the safety of hajj funds, it is better if the BPK transparently audits hajj funds immediately, with the support of BPKH and the Ministry of Religion," he said. .