19 KPK Employees Examined By Komnas HAM For TWK Polemics

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has asked for information from dozens of witnesses regarding alleged human rights violations in the National Insight Test (TWK) process as a condition for the transfer of employee status to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

"After receiving the complaint, Komnas HAM has examined 19 KPK employees. Some of them have been examined once, some have been examined more than once for further investigation," said Komnas HAM's commissioner for the investigation of Komnas HAM, Choirul Anam, in a press conference broadcast on Komnas HAM's YouTube, Tuesday, June 8th.

In addition, his party has also received various documents related to the TWK process. "We have received three bundles of documents with a very large number," said Anam.

"If the attorney says there are 500 pages, there are additional pages, so almost 650 pages contain various information, including information provided by KPK employees who have passed and did not pass," he added.

From examining the information and document bundles, Komnas HAM then obtained important information regarding the process of how the TWK took place, what the legal basis was, what was the legal procedure, the substance of the implementation, to the background of why this test took place.

Furthermore, Anam said that his party actually wanted to explore further regarding TWK from the side of the KPK leadership. However, the five heads of the anti-corruption commission chose not to come, which should have been held today.

"We have actually sent out 10 summons to get clarification, information, information, and various things that can clarify how this incident happened," he said.

"However, KPK friends, our colleagues cannot attend today," added Anam.

Even so, he said that his party would continue the investigation process into the complaints submitted by 75 KPK employees. The complaint is related to the TWK process which is considered to have violated human rights.

So, in the future, Anam hopes that the KPK leadership can be present to provide additional information needed by Komnas HAM. "We are still continuing the process, hopefully these parties will be present to explain how the incident happened so that the light of events such as public expectations is getting better," he said

As previously reported, the National Insight Test was attended by 1,351 KPK employees. Of these, 1,274 people were declared eligible.

Meanwhile, 75 employees, including Novel Baswedan, Chairman of the KPK Employee Forum who is also investigator Yudi Purnomo, Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaign Giri Suprapdiono, Head of the KPK Task Force Harun Al-Rasyid, and Director of PJKAKI Sujarnarko were declared ineligible (TMS). While the other two employees did not attend the interview test.

According to the employees who were declared unsuccessful, there were a number of anomalies in the implementation of this assessment. Including, there are a number of questions that are considered to violate the private sphere.

These employees who did not pass, then reported the implementation of the TWK to Komnas HAM. Subsequently, a special team was formed, led by two commissioners, namely Choirul Anam and Sandrayati Moniaga to investigate the alleged human rights violations in this test.

In addition to submitting reports to Komnas HAM, these employees also report their leadership to a number of parties, from the KPK Supervisory Board to the Indonesian Ombudsman.