Minister Of Health Budi Gunadi Appreciates Purnomo Prawiro's Blue Bird Conglomerate For Success In Vaccination

JAKARTA - On Saturday, June 5, 2021, PT Blue Bird Tbk as one of the land transportation companies in Indonesia, received appreciation and gratitude from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia for the company's support in the success of the COVID-19 vaccination. The appreciation was given and conveyed directly by the Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin to the President Director of PT Blue Bird Tbk, Noni Purnomo.

In a written statement from Blue Bird's management, quoted on Tuesday, June 8, the taxi company owned by the Purnowo Prawiro conglomerate has been actively assisting the process of thousands of elderly people in the country in getting vaccinated since March 2021. Under the auspices of the Blue Bird Peduli program, a vaccination program for the elderly is carried out to help accelerate the achievement of community herd immunity, especially the elderly as one of the prioritized age groups in obtaining vaccines.

Implemented using the Drive-thru method through the Blue Bird fleet, this method has proven to be able to provide a safe and comfortable vaccine reception process where the elderly do not need to leave the fleet. The Ministry of Health gives special appreciation and attention to Blue Bird's extra steps in maximizing the elderly vaccination experience.

Blue Bird, has provided various supporting facilities including shuttle services from the elderly's residence to the vaccine location (Bluebird pool), pre-vaccination examination area, observation room, to Mini-ICU services.

"Thanks to Mr. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, as the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as all relevant agencies starting from the Ministry of Health, Health Service, and hospital institutions. Through their trust and collaboration, Bluebird is able to play an active role in contributing to support the acceleration of handling the pandemic from government," said President Director of PT Blue Bird Tbk, Noni Purnomo.

Noni also conveyed the company's enthusiasm and enthusiasm to be involved in including the elderly in the Blue Bird vaccination program.

"For decades, Blue Bird has always been actively involved in various social programs, especially in providing benefits to a wide audience including the elderly. With human resources and supporting facilities, the company takes pride in facilitating the elderly as a vulnerable group and need extra protection in their lives. receive the vaccine," said Noni.

Along with providing vaccinations for the elderly, Blue Bird Group has continuously completed 100 percent vaccination for all drivers and employees in the Bali, Lombok, Bandung and Jabodetabek areas.

Until now, the company continues to actively continue vaccination programs in various cities in order to achieve 100 percent of the Bluebird family being vaccinated throughout Indonesia, so as to provide extra comfort and safety for the community, especially loyal Bluebird Group users.