Held Musrembang, Police Cooperate With Several Ministries

JAKARTA - The National Police held a Development Plan Deliberation (Musrembang) by cooperating with several related agencies to organize police programs in 2022.

Karo Penmas, Polri's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, said the musrembang activity carried the theme of precision police by upholding economic recovery and structural reform as well as the era of cyber society.

"The goal will be to integrate, harmonize, perfect programs and activities as well as carry out the duties of the police, the task of the National Police in 2022," Rusdi told reporters, Tuesday, June 8.

In this activity, at least five institutions were included as resource persons. Later, they will provide input on all Polri plans.

"External Narsums from several officials including the DPR RI budget agency, officials from the RI Bappenas, officials from the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), officials from the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) and also officials from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). will be a resource person who will enrich the results of the National Police musrembang," said Rusdi.

In addition, in this activity also present all the work units (Satker) of the Police who will later discuss each other. Thus, it is hoped that ideas will emerge that further advance the Police.

"There are activities to exchange ideas, discuss, receive input from all satkers in the National Police in the context of preparing the 2022 work plan and also become a discussion forum in order to carry out a policy and strategy for implementing the main tasks and functions of the National Police in 2022," he said.