Criticized For Speeding Up Discussions, DPR: Draft Minerba Prepared Since 2016

JAKARTA - The People's Representative Council (DPR) has again been criticized. This time, regarding the revision of the Minerba Law (RUU). The DPR is considered to be speeding up the discussion of the Bill. The reason is, this bill is not too urgent to discuss in the midst of the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19. This bill is also asked not to be rushed into law.

The Head of the Minerba Bill Working Committee, Bambang Wuryanto, denied the public's criticism that the DPR had rushed to discuss the Minerba Bill. According to him, the discussion regarding this bill has been going on for a long time.

"I will give a prologue first about the journey of the revision of the Minerba Law. Lots of people have asked me through WA (WhatsApp) and the mass media why the discussion is too fast. Our answer is that the Minerba Bill has been prepared since 2016," he said, at a Commission VII working meeting with The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources virtually, Monday, May 11.

Bambang said that those who thought the DPR were speeding up the discussion of the Minerba Bill did not understand the legislative mechanism.

"Those who asked for the 938 list of problem inventory (DIM) were discussed very quickly. This means that they do not understand the mechanism for discussing legislation, we must first understand, not then punish," he said.

Furthermore, Bambang said, the discussion of the Minerba Bill could be carried out quickly because of the many overlapping or similar DIMs. So it doesn't need to be discussed again. After discussing it, 29 issues from 938 issues will be pursed.

Bambang also denied that the DPR RI was moving on its own to finalize the Minerba Bill. Although this legislative body has full authority to make laws, there must be harmonization with the government as the executive.

"Members of the DPR have full power to form the Law. The discussion of the next paragraph on this matter with the government. So that has the authority of the DPR. However, this Pancasila state must be harmonized properly," he explained.

On the other hand, Bambang emphasized that those who do not agree with the contents of the Minerba Bill are welcome to submit a Judicial Review. "So there is no need for WA to bombard Panja members. Sorry, this is called terror," he said.

Bambang also denied that there was any sentiment in the discussion of the Minerba Bill which was considered controversial. The discussion of the bill, said Bambang, was not based on whether they liked it or not.

“Everything is discussed by the Minerba Committee. Friends out there understand that the dynamics of the DPR is that the DPR does not like it, the government likes it, it does not exist, "he explained.

Profitable Entrepreneur

For your information, the Minerba Bill is included in one of the draft laws which received massive protests during a student action in September 2009 because it was considered too defending the interests of the coal tycoon. Not only students, a number of experts also considered that there was no urgency to pass this bill. Moreover, this nation still has to go through a pandemic condition.

Economist Faisal Basri assessed that the Minerba Bill initiated by the DPR would provide benefits to Indonesian coal entrepreneurs. One of the points of convenience highlighted, among others, relates to contract extension.

With the revised regulation, Faisal saw, there was an article that made contract extensions no longer necessary to go through an auction. In addition, this regulation is also said to require that the application for a contract extension be extended from two years to five years.

Faisal assessed that there is a desire from a number of circles to issue the revised regulation regarding the expiration of six contracts of work during the 2020-2025 period. These six companies, he said, are large companies that control nearly 70 percent of national production.

Faisal disagrees with the council's move to expedite the discussion on the revised regulation. Rather than that, he is more supportive of the government to restore and prioritize consistency in the application of the Minerba Law which is still in effect.