This Is What Is Meant By Natural Resources From Definition, Type, To Properties

YOGYAKARTA - Natural resources are everything that comes from nature that can be utilized for human needs. Natural resources in Indonesia itself are not limited to biological wealth but also various types of mining materials. Mining natural resources are spread throughout Indonesia, including natural gas, nickel, copper, bauxite, coal, gold, silver, petroleum, and tin.

Reporting from the Ministry of Education, natural resources are divided into two types, namely biological natural resources and non-biological natural resources. According to their nature, natural resources are divided into three types, namely eternal natural resources, renewable natural resources, and non-renewable natural resources.

The types of natural resources are divided into two, namely:

1. Biological natural resources

Examples of biological natural resources are chickens, cows, vegetables, rice, corn, cotton, wood, tea, coffee, and fish

2. Non-biological natural resources are natural resources that do not come from living things

Examples are water, sunlight, air, soil, mining materials, petroleum, and natural gas.

However, based on the nature of natural resources, it is divided into 3 parts, namely:

1. Renewable natural resources

Examples are animals, plants, trees, and fish

2. Non-renewable natural resources

Natural resources that are formed by natural processes and require a long period of time are called limited natural resources

Examples are oil, coal, and natural gas.

3. Eternal natural resources

For example, water, air, sunlight, wind, waves, tides, and geothermal.