Drastic Increase, 21 People Died From COVID-19 In North Sumatra In 4 Days

MEDAN - Data from the North Sumatra COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) shows that the number of death cases has increased sharply from June 4-7.

"In total, from June 4 to 7, 2021, the number of deaths due to COVID-19 increased by 21 people," said the spokesman for the North Sumatra COVID-19 Task Force, Dr Aris Yudhariansyah, in Medan, quoted by Antara, Monday, June 7.

For cases of COVID-19 death as of June 4, there were five more people from Medan City, and seven more people on June 5 who also came from Medan City.

Then, on June 6, the number of COVID-19 patients who died increased by three people, namely two from Dairi Regency and one from Medan City.

"On June 7, as many as six COVID-19 patients died, one each from Deli Serdang and Dairi and four people from Labuhan Batu Utara," continued Aris.

Meanwhile, for the number of confirmed COVID-19 patients until June 7, the accumulation reached 32,627 people.

"There is an addition of 99 people for the number of confirmed COVID-19, the total is 32,627 people," said Aris.

Then the accumulated COVID-19 recovery rate reached 29,121 people, after the addition of 96 people.