Feeling Lost While Pursuing Your Goals? These 7 Key Questions That Can Help

JAKARTA – Distraught because you feel lost, it's natural to experience it. Especially experienced by those of you who already have plans and goals, but don't know how far these goals have been achieved.

Launching a guide from Mia Fox, bestselling author and NLP coach, here are 7 key questions you must answer to measure and reset the first steps towards achieving your goals.

“What do I want for someone I love?”

The problem many people have is that they have a hard time thinking about themselves. Many also experience the opposite, the steps stagnate because they are too selfish so they need to consider the people they love as motivation.

Try to think about someone you love and what you can do for the meaningful people around you.

“If money wasn't an issue, what would make your life meaningful?”

Not a few people stumbled in their hopes because they had to make money. Even his dream could not be bought because of limited money. However, once you feel that money is no longer a problem, then what makes you feel alive more cheerful and excited.

“What would you like to experience if you are not afraid of anything?”

An entrepreneur is certainly afraid of failure or a drastic decline in turnover, so creative ways are needed to overcome them. But if you don't worry about anything, it means that there is nothing to limit a person from developing himself, right?

Big goals are often blocked by fear, says Mia. So ask yourself if fear isn't a problem, it means what things are holding you back from achieving your goals need to be identified.

“If you were offered three wishes, what would you want?”

Although many wishes have not been achieved, of course everyone has priorities which are more important than others. You also need to think carefully about what is a priority in the near and long term.

“What do you think the ideal day would be like?”

Is relaxing without doing anything always happy? Does not seem. Therefore one needs to design the most appropriate goals based on what one wants in life.

If you get to the most appropriate destination, of course you don't need to take care of anyone. Because the conditions that occur as planned. Even if not, try to re-evaluate without criticizing yourself that makes you down.

"What was the happiest thing in the past?"

The past certainly cannot be repeated, this is what makes it meaningful. This question is actually very deep, because goals that have become a thing of the past will not reach the ideal point like the plan if you don't do anything.

"What's one thing you don't like to do?"

The final key question proposed by Mia can help you answer the previous questions. If you don't like something to do, it means you know what the goal is.