Mataram Ministry Of Religion Will Return Passports Of 733 Hajj Candidates

MATARAM - The Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, will return the passports of 733 Hajj candidates whose departures have been postponed since 2020.

"Today we are processing a letter to be sent to prospective hajj pilgrims whose departure has been postponed since 2020, regarding the collection of hajj passports," said Head of Section (Kasi) for Hajj and Umrah Implementation at the Mataram City Ministry of Religion H Kasmi, quoted by Antara, Monday, June 7.

The return of the prospective hajj passports is in accordance with the direction of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, which provides the opportunity to take the passports of prospective hajj pilgrims who have been collected at each Ministry of Religion since 2020, to be kept for themselves.

The return of these passports, he continued, is intended so that the passports of the Hajj pilgrims are not stored for too long at the Ministry of Religion's office, so that the pilgrims can use them for other travel purposes or needs.

Last year, there was no provision for taking passports with the hope that they would depart in 2021, but it was postponed again so that the Indonesian Ministry of Religion provided the opportunity to collect passports for pilgrims who wish to keep their own passports.

"So we provide two alternatives for pilgrims, passports can be taken and can be deposited for safekeeping by the Ministry of Religion. However, when there is certainty of departure next year, the passports of prospective pilgrims will be asked to collect them again," said Kasmi.

Touching on whether taking the passport could actually have an impact on the psychology of the congregation, they are increasingly worried about not being sent, Kasmi said, in a letter that will be given through extension workers and the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) of each region, it will be explained in detail including the basic rules.

"We will convey the basic rules for allowing passport collection for pilgrims whose departure is delayed, and the provisions must be collected when there is certainty of departure," he said.

It is hoped that the prospective pilgrims will accept the government's decision on the policy of delaying the departure of Hajj in the last two years.

"We also provide two options, namely passports can be taken or deposited again. God willing, the congregation can understand," said Kasmi.