Recognizing The Function Of Collagen In The Skin And Body

JAKARTA - Collagen is a type of protein that builds bones, muscles, joints, teeth and skin. Actually, collagen itself is in the body about 30 percent. However, over time, the amount can decrease and have an impact on the body as a whole, including sagging skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

The most famous function of collagen for beauty is that it can tighten the skin and help prevent aging, as well as playing an important role in the wound healing process and reducing cellulite in the body.

Collagen can also maintain joint health, prevent cartilage damage, increase muscle mass, make bones stronger, maintain heart health, and even improve mood.

Some signs of a lack of collagen in the body are usually marked by premature aging such as fine lines on the face, joint pain, cellulite, and hair loss.

When the amount of collagen has begun to decrease, there are actually ways to restore its levels. For example, by taking collagen supplements or from foods that contain collagen.

Types of foods containing collagen that can be consumed include berries, nuts, red meat, salmon, dairy products, eggs, fish, tofu, and green vegetables.

In addition, there are ways to prevent the breakdown of natural collagen. Usually an unhealthy lifestyle is at risk of making collagen in the body damaged or decreasing its production level. For an instant method, you can also inject collagen at a dermatologist. This injection can certainly restore natural collagen in the body which has a good impact on the skin and makes you look younger.

As a prevention, you can reduce the consumption of sugar and simple carbohydrates, avoid excessive sun exposure, also avoid smoking.