1,389 Travelers And 228 Dark Travels Were Successfully Secured

JAKARTA - The government has imposed a ban on going home for three weeks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from becoming more widespread. From the results of the prosecution, 228 illegal travel vehicles and 1,389 travelers were prevented from returning to their hometowns, aka going home.

Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Directorate Director Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yugo said the number of travel and homecoming vehicles was the result of prosecution using two methods, namely, general and special.

General operations are carried out from the start of the application of these rules or from April 24th. As a result, about 26 vehicles and 276 travelers were caught. Meanwhile, for special operations it succeeded in capturing 202 vehicles with a total of 1,113 travelers.

"Polda Metro Jaya has secured 228 vehicles, carrying 1389 passengers," said Sambodo in Jakarta, Monday, May 11.

Special operations, said Sambodo, have only been carried out since the issue of using illegal travel has surfaced. It was recorded that hundreds of vehicles and thousands of travelers were the result of the repression for three days or from May 8 to 10.

The netted hundreds of vehicles were dominated by minibuses, totaling 112 units. Then, 78 units of private vehicles and 11 units of buses. In fact, one truck-type vehicle was also secured because it was caught hiding travelers.

Based on the data, these vehicles are mostly caught in the rat track. This is because it is claimed that the police have mapped the mouse routes that are often or potentially used by travelers.

"Illegal travel carrying passengers to go home to various cities in West Java, Central Java and East Java," said Sambodo.

Based on searches, these illegal travel agents offer services through various social media. They guarantee that travelers can pass through checkpoints or checkpoints.

The rates priced by illegal travel agents are also very expensive. They charge almost three times the normal fare for a single trip.

"For ticket prices, it is quite expensive, it can be three times above normal, such as to Brebes 500 thousand whereas normal 150, 700 thousand," said Sambodo.

With the violations that have been committed by travel agents, ticket sanctions will be given. This is also in accordance with Article 308 of Law Number 22 Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, which is that every person driving a public motorized vehicle that does not have a permit to transport people not on the route will be subject to a maximum imprisonment of 2 months or a maximum fine of IDR 500,000. .

Homecomers Don't Have Permit

On the other hand, thousands of travelers were also secured along with illegal travel vehicles. The reason is that they do not have a COVID-19-free health certificate according to the task force's decision.

"The 1,300 homecomers that we have secured, did not have a free or negative certificate from COVID-19," said Sambodo.

If you refer to Circular (SE) Number 4 of 2020, things that are exempted from travel restrictions are written. However, all of them that happened in the operation, none of them had it.

"That is why we secure one bus (case) because not a single passenger carries a letter in accordance with the COVID-19 task force health protocol according to SE number 4 of 2020,"

For your information, Circular Number 4 of 2020 from the Chief Executive of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19 states that the exclusion criteria for travel restrictions apply to:

a. Travel of people who work for government or private institutions that organize:

1. Services for accelerating the handling of Covid-19.2. Defense, security and public order services. 3. Health services. 4. Services for basic needs. 5. Basic service support services. 6. Servicing an important economic function.

b. The journey of a patient who needs emergency health services or the journey of a person whose immediate family member is seriously ill or has died;

c. Repatriation of Indonesian Migrant Workers, Indonesian Citizens, and students / students who are abroad, as well as the return of people for special reasons by the Government to their place of origin, in accordance with applicable regulations.