Called Durhaka For Defending Ninih Tea, Aa Gym's Children Call This The Best Way

JAKARTA - Through social media, Muhammad Ghaza Al Ghazali twice revealed the facts of the marriage of his father and mother, Aa Gym and Teh Ninih. Early on, then, Aa Gym's son announced the divorce between his father and mother. But the divorce was canceled because Aa withdrew her divorce suit.

June 3, Aa Ghaza revealed shocking facts about the relationship between his father and mother. The annulment of the divorce was considered a way of torturing her mother.

Through his upload on his Facebook account which was re-uploaded by the gossip account mak_inpoh, Ghaza revealed the bad behavior committed by Aa Gym to his mother. Ghaza revealed that ahead of his wedding one year ago, Aa Gym had questioned the importance of Teh Ninih's presence at the event. Ghaza admitted that it was actually very difficult for him to accept.

Infuriated, he exposed his father's behavior which was considered unkind towards his mother. Ghaza considers that so far AA Gym has behaved unfairly to his mother in many ways. One of the highlights is the divorce suit which was filed some time ago, but was later hanged by the cleric himself.

The upload turned out to be a dilemma in itself. In his upload on social media, Ghaza revealed that he was actually considered a disobedient child because of his father's ugliness in cyberspace.

"You know what the result was? I was branded arrogant and disobedient. My mother was getting bullied, said to have no faith, can't take care of children, and many more," said Ghaza, as quoted from a post on his Facebook.

He also explained the fact that he had actually tried to make various efforts to make his father stop being unfair. Even Ghaza also asked several scholars to give advice to AA Gym, but to no avail.

"Sorry, maybe your voice is heard more by my father. Rather than my voice and the scholars who are considered 'the knowledge has not yet arrived,'" Ghaza hoped.

Muhammad Ghaza Al Ghazali admitted that his method was not appropriate to remind Aa Gym. "This is not the right way. But this is the best way, for now that I can do," he wrote.