A Day Drifting In The Waters Of South Halmahera, 16 Passengers Of KM Mulin Were Found By The SAR Team

MALUKU - The Ternate Basarnas Search and Rescue Office, North Maluku (Malut) managed to rescue 16 anglers in KM Mulin who experienced engine failure and drifted around the waters of Gunange-Laigoma Island, South Halmahera Regency (Halsel).

Head of Basarnas Ternate Muhamad Arafah said KM Mulin departed from Ternate to the waters around Siko Island for fishing. However, on the return journey on June 5 at around 19.30 WIT the ship's engine died.

"The ship then drifted around the waters of Gunage Island-Laigoma Island, Halsel Regency," he explained in Ternate, Monday, June 7, as reported by Antara.

The team received the report on June 5, 2021 at around 23:55 WIT. The Ternate Basarnas Rescue Team immediately moved using KN.SAR 237 Pandudewanata

"The number of personnel is 12 people. The distance from Kansar Ternate to LKP is 42.51 NM/Radian 194.84," explained Muhamad Arafah.

On June 6, 2021 at around 03.00 WIT, KN SAR 237 Pandudewanata found the KM ship. Mulin 17 at coordinates about 3.17 Nm southwest of LKP.

All crew members are safe and have been evacuated to KN SAR 237 Pandudewanata to be taken to Bastiong Ternate Harbor.

At 10.50 Wit, KN SAR 237 Pandudewanata and all KM crew. Mulin 17 arrived at Bastiong Ternate Port, then the 16 crew members of KM Mulin were handed over to the family.

"With the evacuation of all crew members of the KM Mulin 17 ship in a safe condition, the Ternate Basarnas Rescue Team carried out Debriefing and Evaluation of SAR Operations. Furthermore, SAR operations were completed and closed," he said.