Testing The Time Traveler Story Told By Reomit's Korean YouTube Channel

JAKARTA - A few days ago, Youtuber from Korea who is fluent in Indonesian, Jang Hansol told a story about a time traveler through his upload. He told the story in great detail and was quite convincing. The question is whether the story is real?

It is said, on April 23, 2006, in Kiev, Ukraine, a man aged about 30 years, Sergey Ponomarenko was arrested by the local police because he looked suspicious. To the police, he said he was confused about why he suddenly lived this year. Whereas about two minutes ago he lived in 1958, said Ponomarenko as explained by Hansol.

After checking the identity of the young man, the police began to feel something strange. The reason is, this person who looks young was actually born in 1938. In fact, the card looks like the national ID card of the disbanded Soviet Union, of which Ukraine is one of the fractions.

The police then called a professor named Pablo Krtikov, a psychiatrist, to interview Ponomarenko. He told what really happened. Ponomarenko said he came from 1958. Before he was in Kiev, he confessed that he was with his fiancé, Valentina Curish.

Then, after he took a picture with his fiancé, he saw a UFO. Spontaneously he took a picture of the flying saucer. And without realizing it, the time suddenly sped off for decades until April 2006.

Photo of Ponomarenko with his fiancé (Capture YouTube screen na53razboy)

Ponomarenko proved what he said with a snapshot from his camera. To see its authenticity, he was brought to a Kiev photographer named Vadim Pozmer.

Vadim was surprised because the type of film on the camera had not been produced (discontinued) since 1970. He was surprised that in 2006 there was still this type of film, even the condition was still very good and quite easy to print.

On April 25, after checking the photos, Vadim tried to contact the police again. However, Ponomarenko, who was supposed to be waiting in the room, suddenly disappeared on April 25, 2006. He just disappeared as if he was swallowed up by the earth.

The police then trace Ponomarenko's trail by looking for his fiancé. They found it. The girl in the photo is still alive and as of 2006, she is 74 years old.

When the police asked about Ponomarenko, Curish recognized him. He also turned out to have the same photo the police had.

Apparently Ponomarenko had met his fiancé first. Because Curish also has another photo that Ponomarenko gave in 1970.

Not only that, Curish even has a photo of Ponomarenko who is in the future, namely in 2050. When compared, the two photos that are both in Kiev in 2006 and 2050, it can be seen that there is a visible difference. In the photo in 2050, you can see many skyscrapers.

Photo from 2050 (Capture YouTube na53razboy)

After further investigation, it turned out that in the Ukraine archives the file of Ponomarenko's interview with one of the Ukrainian and Taiwanese TV stations in the 1970s was stored. In more or less, it brings news from the future.

He explained that in the future almost everyone will have a cell phone. He also briefly explained about microwave technology that did not exist at that time.

Truth is doubtful

Hansol himself admits that he cannot consider the story, which was first broadcast by Ukrainian Television 1 + 1, to be a hundred percent true. He said, "this could be a hoax." The reason is, from the explanation it seems that there is still a lack of data.

According to the fern-flower.org page, which reviews the truth of the events of Sergey Ponomarenko, argues that the incident was merely artificial. They revealed some of their findings.

For example, an identity card that is deemed not in accordance with the original. In comparison, according to the page, the original Soviet Union or Komsomol identity card, the stamp on the photo is clearly visible compared to Ponomarenko's.

Photo of Ponomarenko's KTP (Capture YouTube na53razboy)
Real ID photo (Capture YouTube na53razboy)

Next, about the type of camera or the type of film used by Ponomarenko. In the story, Vadim the photographer says the type of film known as Svema was discontinued in 1970.

However, in fact, people could still buy this type of film until 1990. This means that even when people searched in 2006, these items were still not that rare.

Not to mention the question of recording Ponomarenko's radio conversation. According to a fern-flower.org analysis, the footage sounded too clean for a file that's been stored for quite a while. The audio can be heard here.

Finally, what makes the story seem fake is the photo from 2050 which is considered a photo montage, which is a process of making photos from fragments from other photos. It's simply an edit.

This can be seen from several buildings in the background that look identical. Only different in size. It's just not known where the photo was taken from.

"Thus, all evidence of time travel is built on falsehood (possibly made for entertainment)," wrote the page. "And therefore, it cannot be considered as evidence of time travel," he concluded.

A 2050 photo tagged as an edit (Capture YouTube screen na53razboy)