Delete President's Tweet, Nigeria Block Twitter

JAKARTA - A number of tweets from Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari were deleted by Twitter. Because of this, the Nigerian government immediately blocked social media with the blue bird logo.

Summarized from The Verge, Sunday, June 6, Twitter considers a tweet from President Buhari to violate the rules of 'abusive behavior'. The Nigerian Ministry of Culture and Information said the blocking was carried out by Twitter repeatedly, and carried out activities that could weaken the existence of the Nigerian government.

It is known that the tweet deleted by Twitter contained criticism of President Buhari who would punish the separatists. "Many of those who behave badly today are too young to realize the devastation and loss of life that occurred during the Biafran war," Buhari tweeted.

"Those of us who are on the ground for 30 months, who are going through war, will treat them in a language they understand."

Buhari is known to be a major general in the Biafran war. Not only blocking, the Nigerian government has also threatened to arrest its citizens who are caught still using the micro-blogging network.

Because, after the blocking, not a few Nigerians use VPNs to still be able to access Twitter.

Meanwhile, Twitter representatives through the Public Policy team, regretted the action of blocking its platform in Nigeria. Twitter calls access to freedom and an open internet a human right in this modern era.

"We will work to restore access for users in Nigeria who depend on Twitter to communicate and connect to the world," Twitter said via its @Policy account.