COVID-19 Cases Rise Again, Bandung Deputy Mayor: Horrified, Health Facilities-Medical Staff Can Collapse

BANDUNG - Cases of COVID-19 transmission in the city of Bandung, West Java, tend to increase again with the addition of more than 100 cases of corona virus infection per day since Friday, June 4.

"The trend continues to rise. I think this is already at a psychological point, indicating that health facilities, both hospitals and medical personnel, will soon collapse. I'm just horrified," said Deputy Mayor of Bandung Yana Mulyana in Bandung, quoted by Antara, Sunday, June 6.

Data from the Bandung City COVID-19 Information Center shows that the cumulative number of cases of corona virus infection (SARS-CoV-2) in the city of Bandung increased by 101 to a total of 19,927 on Saturday, June 5, after the addition of 102 cases of COVID-19 to 19,826 cases and on Friday , June 4th.

On Saturday, June 5, the number of active COVID-19 cases in the city of Bandung was recorded to have increased by 92 to 780 cases. Active cases include people infected with the SARS CoV-2 virus who are undergoing treatment and self-quarantine.

Yana said the increase in cases of COVID-19 transmission caused the isolation room occupancy rate in hospitals to increase to 79.9 percent.

He emphasized the importance of limiting the mobility of citizens during the long holiday period in order to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

"I can't imagine if the central and regional governments don't limit going home, I'm worried like India," said Yana.

The Deputy Mayor reminded residents to always be disciplined in carrying out health protocols and reducing mobility to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

In addition, he appealed to residents who want to travel or return from traveling outside the area to undergo an examination to detect the transmission of COVID-19.

"For me, the key is PPKM Mikro. RT RW knows most of its residents who travel back and forth. So when they come, tell them to isolate," said Yana.