Pirates Troubled Fishermen In North Kayong, West Kalimantan

PONTIANAK - A number of fishermen in the Karimata Islands, North Kayong Regency, West Kalimantan Province (Kalbar) are worried about the rampant acts of pirates. These pirates interfere with the activities and safety of fishermen while at sea.

"The hijackers confiscated fishermen's goods, such as diesel fuel, rice, and fish caught by fishermen, with a total loss of approximately Rp. 16 million. We have reported this to the Regent and law enforcement officers at the Kayong Utara Police," said an officer at the Archipelago District Head Office Karimata Yerry Syulasman quoted by Antara, Sunday, June 6.

The pirates stalked and looted fishermen in the Karimata Islands using firearms when catching fish.

According to him, the pirate action has occurred since last Ramadan and has been reported to the authorities, but no perpetrator has been arrested so far.

"Our fishermen in the Karimata Islands are very afraid of the actions of pirates who can terrorize them at any time when they are looking for fish in the open sea," he said.

Yerry said that his party had received reports of three ships that were victims of pirate action that haunted the Karimata waters. Based on the report, information was obtained that the pirates acted at night with quite a number of perpetrators.

"There are three fishing boat owners who have reported to us, namely KM Batara 2, KM PO Saedon, and KM Anugrah. All three of these happened in the middle of Ramadan yesterday until now," continued Yerry.

According to the fisherman's statement, the perpetrators used a boat with a 4-cylinder engine with the mode of wanting to control the fishermen's belongings using the firearm they were holding.

"From the victim's statement, it is estimated that the pirate perpetrators numbered approximately 7 people, and according to them they used a ship with a 4-cylinder engine," said Yerry.

The Karimata Islands are one of the fishery centers in North Kayong Regency which is directly adjacent to the Province of Bangka Belitung.