National Police Chief And TNI Commander Concerned About COVID-19 Spike In Kudus: We Must Move Together

KUDUS - TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto together with National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and BNPB Head Ganip Warsito check the handling of COVID-19 in Kudus Regency, Central Java. The checks were carried out following the spike in cases that occurred and was the highest in Central Java.

"We are very concerned about the increase in COVID-19 in Kudus Regency. We ask all parties including the TNI and Polri to be more intensive in handling COVID-19," said National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo quoted by Antara, Sunday, June 6.

From the data received, said Sigit, the number of confirmed COVID-19 is 7,975 people, while 5,918 people have recovered, and 659 people have died. This is a special concern for him and the Commander in Chief in dealing with COVID in Kudus Regency.

"The availability of beds in seven hospitals in Kudus Regency is also running low because of the 393 beds, 359 beds or 91 percent have been filled. Meanwhile, the ICU rooms of 41 beds are also filled with 92 percent or 38 beds," said the National Police Chief

This condition puts Kudus Regency in an unfavorable condition, especially if there are additional active cases in the surrounding area. For this reason, he asked all agencies, both TNI and Polri, to jointly deal with COVID-19 in Kudus Regency to return to normal.

"The issue of COVID-19 is a shared responsibility, not only the government, the TNI or Polri. But it is a shared responsibility because the safety of the people is the highest law, therefore all must move together," explained General Sigit.

The government, TNI and Polri really need the participation of the community to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. At a minimum, remind each other to be disciplined about health protocols by implementing 3M (wearing masks, washing hands and avoiding crowds).

The National Police together with the TNI also prepared eight Armored Water Cannon (AWC) to spray disinfectant liquid in a number of places as an effort to prevent the spread of the corona virus disease in Kudus.

The National Police Chief also ordered the Central Java Police Chief to focus more on dealing with the six villages that were exposed to COVID-19 to deploy an SSK Brimob troops guarding the village. Thus, no residents will go out anywhere during self-isolation.

All troops from Babinsa, Babinkhamtibmas, Battalion and Brimob as well as health workers, are all stationed in Kudus Regency in the hope that COVID-19 in Kudus will be resolved soon.