Bandung City Government Ready To Hold Face-to-Face Learning In 319 Schools

BANDUNG - The government of Bandung City, West Java, has stated that it is ready to hold limited face-to-face learning trials (PTM) in 319 schools ranging from kindergarten to high school levels, both public and private.

The Regional Secretary for the City of Bandung, Ema Sumarna said that in this limited PTM trial, his party would test the readiness of the learning process. In addition to supporting infrastructure for health protocols, the implementation of the learning pattern scheme will also be monitored.

"Starting from the behavior of teaching staff, students, and setting the learning process. Then the infrastructure and so on," said Ema in Bandung, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 4.

In the city of Bandung there are 3,523 schools consisting of all levels. However, of the total, only 319 schools passed the verification by the joint monitoring and evaluation team of the Education Office and the Health Office, as well as the COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

"Disdik, Health Office and all sub-district heads are compact, they have coordinated optimally. Starting from the administrative selection, then there is a filtering process. A total of 319 schools will conduct simulations on June 7-18," said Ema.

According to Ema, the limited PTM trial will be attended directly by students 10-25 percent of the capacity of each school.

In addition to testing physical readiness such as COVID-19 health protocol infrastructure, his party will also test the PTM time-sharing system.

"It must also be noted that the learning system is only 2 x 60 minutes, shift distribution, there is no canteen, students bring their own food and drinks, there are no street vendors. That must be proven," he said.

According to Ema, this limited PTM is the first stage that the Bandung City Government will prepare in order to restore the condition of the learning process. Therefore, each process must be carried out carefully.

"PTMT is heading towards an ideal time for the new normal. There are now stages of trial, a transition period, the IMR then new normal. That is ideal. Hopefully, the pandemic cases will slow down," he said.