Eradicate Viruses And Disease Bacteria Through Ultraviolet Light Robot

JAKARTA - Based on a health journal published in Pubmed in 2018, viruses and bacteria can survive long enough in rooms and medical equipment. This is of course a serious problem in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is because many hospitals and access to public spaces such as airports and office spaces can become contamination sites from dangerous pathogens. Therefore Surgika Alkesindo (SA) introduced the latest technology for disinfection of medical equipment, Mediland Hyperlight Disinfection Robot.

Mediland Hyperlight Disinfection Robot (doc Surgika Alkesindo)

A robot, which is facilitated with Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) light disinfection technology. Through ultraviolet light waves, this robot can kill or deactivate harmful micro-organisms such as viruses and bacteria.

"Viruses and bacteria are causing a higher danger of contamination in hospitals and public areas, which is commonly called Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI), on every medical device. Especially now that all over the world and Indonesia in particular are racing against the time to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic," a very contagious strain of the corona virus, "said Dr. Handy Gunawan, Director of Surgika Alkesindo, in a statement received by VOI, Saturday, May 9.

Dr Handy explained, this disinfection robot can be placed in the service room or changing room for medical personnel in a hospital or clinic. The goal is to sterilize the room where medical personnel open Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), where the location can be very susceptible to viral infection.

Moreover, medical personnel are required to change PPE at least every few hours, to reduce the possibility of viral and bacterial contamination. This certainly endangers the safety of the doctors and nurses on duty, as well as the patients who are being treated.

"According to the Journal of Virological Methods, UVC exposure for 15 minutes can also make the SARS virus and its derivatives, SARS-CoV-2 or coronavirus completely inactive," he added.

How UV rays work to kill viruses and disease bacteria (doc. Surgika Alkesindo)

Armed with these findings, the operation of the Mediland Hyperlight Disinfection Robot can benefit not only in the hospital or clinic area, but also in public facilities such as airports, MRT terminals and office buildings. This also encourages sterilization activity both before and after leaving the area.

"This robot can be a safe alternative solution for sterilization purposes, both in hospitals and office agencies during the Covid-19 pandemic and in the future," concluded Dr. Handy.