BP2MI Facilitates The Return Of 126,742 Indonesian Workers

JAKARTA - As a result of the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 that has hit the world, the destination countries for placing Indonesian migrant workers are experiencing an economic crisis. The Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) responded quickly by facilitating the return of migrant workers. Moreover, there are countries that have lockdown policies or restrictions on entry and exit to the country.

Head of BP2MI Benny Ramdhani said that his party had formed a task force to accelerate the handling of COVID-19. In fact, it has doubled the strength of 75 to 150 field officers in 23 UPT BP2MI throughout Indonesia.

The task force is the officers who are stationed at the front of each airport and port entrance. They serve every Indonesian migrant worker from arrival to return to their hometowns.

Benny said, as a realization of policy and partisanship for the COVID-19 disaster, especially those that befell PMI's brothers, both those who are detained in the country of placement, who will return to the country because the conditions of the placement country are experiencing a lockdown, or because of leave and contract expiration. BP2MI has anticipated the work, as well as those who have returned to Indonesia, by establishing a Crisis Center with hotline 08001000 for domestic, and + 62 2129 244 800 for overseas.

"Our officers work 24 hours to receive reports and complaints from all Indonesian migrant workers. We have established a media center that updates the return of migrant workers date by date and in real time," he said in an online press conference. virtual office in Jakarta, Saturday, May 9.

According to Benny, BP2MI's responsibility to serve and protect migrant workers is not just a policy, but also more important than that, namely taking sides with Indonesian migrant workers.

"We emphasize that currently BP2MI has facilitated the return of 126,742 Indonesian migrant workers back to their homeland from points of return, using land, sea and air transportation, for PMI who are healthy, sick or dead, or PMI who return independently or whose family picked up the return, "he explained.

Of the 126,742 PMI whose return was facilitated by BP2MI, 33,434 PMI chose to return independently, 17,884 PMI whose return was facilitated by BP2MI, and 75,424 PMI whose return was handled by the national task force.

"The number of PMI crews of cruise ships based on information from representatives of the Republic of Indonesia abroad served by BP2MI officers is 9,553 PMIs," he said.

Meanwhile, Benny continued, 30,649 PMIs who returned via Tanjungpinang were Batam and Tanjung Balai Karimun Ports, 30,649 ports of Batam and Tanjung Balai Karimun, 22,704 PMIs and Arut West Kalimantan. How many PMIs who returned via Nunukan were 296 PMIs.

"For the months of May to June 2020, BP2MI predicts that the waves of return will increase and move dynamically. As many as 34,300 PMIs will return to their homeland due to the expiration of their work contracts in 54 placement countries," he explained.

Benny then detailed, 13074 PMI from Malaysia, 11359 PMI from Hong Kong, 3688 PMI from Taiwan, 2611 PMI from Singapore, 800 PMI from Saudi Arabia, 770 PMI from Brunei Darussalam, 325 PMI from South Korea, and 304 PMI from Kuwait and 219 PMI from Italy, and 173 PMIs from Oman and other countries, and 34,300 PMIs came from 32 provinces.

"We also need to convey to PMI's return to West Java points of love, we already have PMI's return health protocol. If PMI returns and goes through the KKP or Port Health Office checks, body temperature checks and also completes health forms are carried out. will be handled directly by the national task force to undergo the quarantine process at Wisma Atlet, "he explained.

Then, continued Benny, if after checking the test results are negative, they can do the inspection through the immigration gate. Finally, the handling through BP2MI of PMI itself is by collecting data on the return, facilitating referrals and facilitation for PMI's return, as well as assistance for returning to their hometown or hometown.

"In the effort to handle BP2MI, of course it cannot be separated from the coordination with the national task force, ministries and institutions, local governments and representatives of the Republic of Indonesia regarding PMI services abroad," he said.

According to Benny, this was done to provide protection to PMI in the context of an outbreak of COVID-1 so that it moves strategically and according to procedures in the needs of transportation modes, in terms of the need for shelters or transit places for PMI, in information on PMI's return from abroad and in PMI's health insurance. .

BP2MI has also coordinated and communicated with four Ministries of institutions that are directly related to PMI's return. Namely the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and BNPB.

Repatriation of workers from Lockdown Countries

Benny said, for PMI who will return to their homeland due to the condition of the placement country which is experiencing a lockdown, or because of leave and the expiration of their work contract who has returned to the country or prospective PMI whose departure has been delayed, so they have to return from BLKN, there is no need to worry about back to the area of origin.

In connection with Permenhub number 25 of 2020, said Benny, BP2MI will continue to work for special interests, including PMI's return. BP2MI will help facilitate PMI's return to its area of origin, provided by the Ministry of Transportation whose policy is in effect since 7 May.

"Apart from personal identities such as KTP, SIM or other valid identification, PMIs who use air transportation must be equipped with a certificate from BP2MI and a rapid test certificate from the Port Health Office," he said.

Meanwhile, if you are going to use land transportation, you will add a road document from the police or Korem which will be assisted in the management by BP2MI. Likewise, when using sea transportation modes.

However, it must be remembered, said Benny, after arriving in the regions to immediately report to the local government and carry out independent isolation for 14 days and be disciplined with physical distancing for the safety of yourself and your family.

Then, Benny also appealed to PMI who are still abroad not to trust anyone who offers transportation services, unless they come directly at the official counter of a known airline. In the midst of this pandemic, as much as possible we must avoid all possible forms of extortion, fraud and other crimes.

"We want to ensure that the government has been, is working, and continues to work. That the state will continue to provide services as well as protection. And BP2MI will continue to provide maximum service and optimal work in the field," he explained.

Benny explained that the state will not allow any of its citizens, in this case Indonesian migrant workers. Moreover, PMI is a fighter for the family and a hero of foreign exchange. So that proper and respectful treatment is an obligation to do.

Furthermore, Benny said, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it must be acknowledged that Indonesia is in a difficult situation and is not facing minor problems. But with discipline and a spirit of mutual cooperation, Indonesia will be able to get through this difficult situation.

"We make sure that in front of all Indonesian migrant workers, BP2MI will seriously and truly provide protection, from head to toe, for every migrant worker and their family. Because for us migrant workers are VVIP citizens, and BP2MI are real workers for them. migrant workers themselves, "he said.