This Is The Importance Of Having Dinner With Family Every Day Setiap

JAKARTA - With each other's busy lives, it feels like having dinner with family is rarely done nowadays. Especially every day. It could be once a week, every two weeks, or even just once every few months.

Even though sitting with the family for dinner is important for family harmony. Anything? Here are the benefits.

Make relationships with children more intimate

If you get used to it, the relationship between parents and children can become more intimate. No matter how busy all family members are, they must get used to making time for dinner together.

When eating together, parents and children can talk to each other and tell stories so that the relationship is closer and the house feels warm.

Learn communication

At dinner, parents and children will learn a lot about communication. How to express opinions, give advice and input, discuss fun to serious things in an acceptable way. Children will become accustomed to expressing opinions and learn how to convey them to others.

So it's time to get to know the child

Sometimes parents are less sensitive and unconsciously do not know their children. At home, he may be a quiet and fine child. But how is life out there when parents aren't involved?

In the moment of eating together, it can be an opportunity to get to know the child further. Ask him to tell you about life at school, his friends, any difficulties he has, and what he likes or dislikes.

Teach manners at the dinner table

One of the lessons that can be given to children when having dinner together is about manners, ethics, and manners. This simple habit will make children understand more about ethics when they are outside the home, when visiting friends or relatives' houses, at school, and carried over until they grow up.

Help improve children's performance at school

According to research at Columbia University, children who eat at least five family dinners a week are more likely to get better grades in school. These children were also judged to have more positive traits about their future. Simple thing but very positive huh?