Experience Glitch Uploads On Instagram So Stretchy

JAKARTA - Generally, Instagram users like to browse feeds uploaded by their colleagues or friends. Unfortunately, a few moments ago, Instagram was in error, resulting in photos and uploads in the feed becoming stretchy.

Launching The Verge, this strange incident happened accidentally. Where there are a number of bugs that interfere with the size of photos when uploaded to Instagram. As a result, the uploaded photo page is stretched.

"We are aware of a bug involving large photos on Instagram. We are working quickly to fix this problem," said an Instagram spokesperson, Friday, May 8.

This stretchy Instagram display is experienced by some users of the iOS version of Instagram. This glitch occurs due to the failure of the Instagram software to cut (crop) the size of the photo that will be uploaded by its users.

In fact, this glitch or error that occurs on Instagram is considered less annoying. Some of them even participated in posting elongated Instagram photo uploads.

Some netizens even provide a little tutorial for making super long photo uploads to Instagram. You do this by stretching several piles of photos that have been edited through Photoshop, before being posted to Instagram. The result is that the pile of photos will look stretchy and elongated.

This fun upload will also make relatives in your network of friends have to scroll through photos for quite a long time. This disturbance was immediately fixed by Instagram to return the feed function to normal.