Attorney General Concerning The Implementation Of PSBB Which Looks Soft

JAKARTA - The implementation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is considered less strict. The community seems to ignore these rules and continue their activities outside the room.

Attorney General ST Burhanuddin also gave input on the implementation of these government regulations. According to him, there must be assertiveness in action so that it has a snare effect.

If you look at the implementation and enforcement of current PSBB regulations, officers in the field only give appeals. Moreover, imposing sanctions is carried out as a last step.

"If we look at it now, what friends complain about in the field is the preventive, preventive and preventive properties. So that there is less deterrent effect," said Burhanuddin at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Friday, May 8.

For that, said Burhanuddin, he had coordinated with the Head of the Task Force to improve the implementation and enforcement system in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In the future, offenders will no longer be belittled by the violators because they cannot provide strict sanctions.

In his input to the task force, the pattern of implementing the PSBB must be slightly changed. Regions that will implement the system must carry out three stages, namely, socialization, preventive and repressive.

"My input is 3 days of socialization, 3 days later it is preventive, the next 3 days, the 7th day is repressive," said Burhanuddin.

Regarding the prosecution, continued Burhanuddin, the sanctions given can use a small crime ticket (tipiring) or other. So, the filing of PSBB violations will be processed quickly for trial.

"In the action, it can be done like a tipiring ticket or maybe it could also be a short event, filing and there is a time limit so that it is not too long to be brought to trial," said Burhanuddin.

Procurement of Medical Devices

Not only commenting on the implementation and enforcement of PSBB regulations, in a meeting with Doni Monardo as the head of the task force, Burhanuddin discussed the problem of the high price of medical devices.

Although he did not explain this matter clearly, it was said that his party and the task force were making a study related to medical devices. If it is finished, of course it will be submitted to the health department so that it can be realized immediately.

"We are making studies, hopefully it can be fast and can be submitted to the health department, so that there is a revolution in the procurement of this medical device," concluded Burhanuddin.