77 Le Meridien Hotel Rooms For Medical Personnel At RSAL Mintoharjo

JAKARTA - The medical team, as the last bastion to fight COVID-19, is again receiving classy services from the government. The good news this time fell to 154 health workers from the Navy Hospital (RSAL) Dr. Mintoharjo, Jakarta.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) is working with Le Meridien Hotel, Jakarta, to provide accommodation and transportation for health workers at RSAL. There are 77 rooms that have been prepared by Hotel Le Meridien.

One paddle, two or three islands over. This cooperation can be seen from various points of view. As a humanitarian mission. Including breakthroughs so that the hotel industry can stay alive. Moreover, we know that the hotel sector has experienced a drop in the number of guests staying due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Because all parties must work together hand in hand in dealing with this pandemic," said the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy / Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency Wishnutama Kusubandio in his statement, Wednesday, May 6.

Medical personnel who stay overnight will receive services like a guest. They get the facilities and supporting needs. Includes laundry for clothes and food. In fact, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has also partnered with Grab, which is ready to shuttle every day for health workers from Dr. Mintoharjo.

Wishnutama had seen the readiness and standard operational procedure (SOP) of health implemented by the Le Meridien Hotel. Starting from the check-in process, room cleanliness, food service and others.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Wishnutama Kusubandio (Photo via kemenparekraf)

With this program, not only health workers are facilitated. But it also helps workers, hotel entrepreneurs and transportation businesses. Especially for direct workers or indirect hotel workers, as well as the addition of other labor absorption such as transportation and food providers.

Examples of direct workers, Wishnutama continued, such as the Front Office Division (door boy, bell boy, Customer Service), Housekeeping (room boy, cleaning service, laundry), Food and Beverage (F&B), Product (chef, assistant chef, bakery), F&B Service (waiters, room service), and Back Office (accounting, administration).

Meanwhile, indirect workers such as vegetable suppliers, ingredient suppliers (spices), meat, antiseptic suppliers, hotel maintenance chemical suppliers, and so on. They do not recognize the concept of "work from home" because they are in the field of direct service to consumers so that when the pandemic occurred, many of them had to be laid off.

General Manager of Le Meridien Jakarta, Vikas Malik, said that this collaboration was a good opportunity for his party not only in business continuity but also to assist in handling COVID-19 by preparing accommodation for health workers.

"We have the opportunity to support by being the location for the stay of health workers at our hotel. In practice we still pay attention to the established health protocols and we ensure that everything will go well," said Vikas Malik.