6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Ternate, Residents Panic Out Of Their Houses

JAKARTA - An earthquake measuring 6.1 magnitude rocked the city of Ternate. The epicenter of the earthquake was 135 km southwest of Ternate, North Maluku, with a depth of 10 km.

Head of the Disaster Information and Communication Center Raditya Jati said the people of Ternate felt the shock of the earthquake.

"The shocks made the local people panic and leave their homes," said Raditya in his statement, Thursday, June 3.

The Ternate City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) recorded a moderate shaking for 2-3 seconds. Immediately after the earthquake, BPBD personnel monitored the community situation and other conditions in the field. The earthquake occurred at 17.09 WIB.

Damage to buildings and victims are still being recorded by the local BPBD. Raditya said, Ternate City is an area with the potential for a moderate to high earthquake hazard.

InaRISK's analysis shows as many as 7 sub-districts in this city are at this potential hazard.

"The public is advised to always be alert and alert to the potential danger of aftershocks. The impact of fatalities usually occurs due to the ruins of buildings and not the earthquake," he said.

Meanwhile, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) recorded the intensity of the earthquake on the MMI scale (modified mercalli intensity) indicating the areas of Ternate III MMI, Labuha and Manado II – III MMI. Based on the modeling results, this earthquake did not trigger a tsunami.