Decreasing COVID-19 Cases, Bali Boosts Vaccination

DENPASAR - Bali Governor Wayan Koster said the current COVID-19 cases in Bali tended to decline. Meanwhile, the number of recovered COVID-19 patients has increased.

"Until June 2, 2021, the development of COVID-19 cases shows an improving trend, marked by a decrease in the number of new cases, an increase in the number of recovered patients, a decrease in the death rate, and a decrease in the number of active cases that are still isolated and treated in hospitals," he said. Koster, in Denpasar, Bali, Thursday, June 3.

Based on data from May, the average number of new cases reached 2 digits or below 100 people per day, namely, 83 cases per day, with a downward trend. Meanwhile, the average number of patients recovering is 99 people per day, with an increasing trend.

"The average death is 5 people per day with a declining trend," he added.

He explained that until June 2, the cure rate had reached 95.62 percent, above the national average of 91.74 percent. Meanwhile, the death rate reached 3.18 percent, above the national average of 2.78 percent. The number of active cases is 1.20 percent below the national average of 5.48 percent.

"The number of active cases has reached 568 people, consisting of 259 people being treated in hospitals, 33 people being centrally isolated, and 276 people being self-isolating," he said.

This good achievement is called Koster thanks to the hard work and joint efforts of the Bali Provincial Government, Bali Police and Kodam IX / Udayana and their ranks, Regency and City Governments throughout Bali including people who obey health protocols.

"We should be grateful for this good achievement. This good achievement is thanks to the implementation of the banjar (environment)-based mass vaccination program that has been running according to the target, so that the number of people vaccinated is quite high," he explained.

Until now, the number of people who have been vaccinated has reached 1,325,407 people or 44.18 percent for the first stage of injection and 636,639 of the second stage of injection or 21.22 percent.

"For, the number of vaccines that have been given by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia for the Province of Bali has reached 2,742,680 doses as of May 30, 2021," he said.

Meanwhile, the vaccine has been distributed to districts and cities throughout Bali

"Badung Regency, Denpasar City, and Gianyar Regency are given priority for the largest number of vaccines because they are centers of high community activity and are tourist destinations," he said.

To achieve community immunity or herd immunity, the number of people who will be vaccinated is 3 million people or 70 percent of the total population of Bali, as many as 4.3 million people, so 6 million doses of vaccine are needed.

Meanwhile, the number of vaccines that have been received has only reached 2.7 million doses of vaccine, so there is still a shortage of 3.3 million vaccine doses. Koster will coordinate with the Minister of Health.

"With the improvement in the development of COVID-19 in Bali Province, which continues to decline, so that there is no longer a red zone and has increased the confidence of the outside community to visit Bali comfortably and safely," said Koster.