Peaceful Agrees Because Lawsuit For Anwar Bessy Does Not Continue, Labor Stops Campaign To Boycott Indomaret Products Owned By Conglomerate Anthony Salim

JAKARTA - The labor unions have agreed to stop the campaign and boycott of Indomaret products. The president of the Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI) Said Iqbal said the decision was taken after Indomaret confirmed that it would not proceed with Anwar Bessy's case to court.

"FSPMI and KSPI will stop or stop carrying out boycott campaigns for Indomaret products. Including other activities related to this case. Such as there will be no demonstrations at the Stock Exchange, will not carry out solidarity actions, will not carry out the action plans that have been made by FSPMI and KSPI," he said in a virtual press conference, Thursday, June 3.

Iqbal further said that the workers and management of the Indomaret group already understand each other. Therefore, both parties, in this case the labor unions and the management of the Indomaret Group, have a responsibility to make the industrial relations atmosphere harmonious again.

"Indomaret is also obliged to carry out the contents of the agreement and not to take retaliatory actions against Anwar Bessy's workers as the contents of the understanding and mutual understanding were made," he said

Iqbal said that for technical operations from the draft or the making of the contents of the understanding and mutual understanding, both parties would be asked for supervision or the Director General of PHI of the Ministry of Manpower was expected to invite the parties concerned.

"In front of the Director General of Industrial Relations, an agreement was signed between the management of the Indomaret Group and Anwar Bessy's workers represented by FSPMI and KSPI. Of course we thank the Ministry of Manpower, Mrs. Director General of PHI, in particular, who has taken a role in this case, which began to surface," he explained.

Previously, KSPI stressed that the threat of a boycott of Indomaret by the labor unions was not canceled. KSPI President Said Iqbal said the boycott of Indomaret products would continue, given that there was no agreement regarding the conflict between Indomaret and its employee Anwar Bessy.

"The boycott of Indomaret products, which will be campaigned by FSPMI, which is fully supported by KSPI, will stop, which is not true. The truth is that the boycott of Indomaret will continue next week," said Iqbal, in a virtual press conference, Friday, May 28.

Iqbal ensured that the Indomaret product boycott campaign, which will be carried out next week, will follow constitutional procedures, laws and regulations as well as the COVID-19 health protocol. The exact schedule, said Iqbal, will be decided today together with the President of the Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers Union (FSPMI), Riden Hatam Aziz.

"The boycott will continue next week at Indomaret outlets, Jakarta, Central Java, East Java. Banners will be installed, carrying posters in front of Indomaret stores, Indomaret stores in several big cities, by conveying a boycott of Indomaret products, do not shopping at Indomaret," he said.

For your information, the inaugural action of the Indomaret boycott campaign was carried out on Thursday, May 27, at the office of PT. Indomarco Prismatama (Indomaret Group), where Anwar Bessy works, which is located in Ancol, North Jakarta.

Iqbal said, in addition to taking to the streets, his party will also carry out a boycott campaign for Indomaret through social media. The Indomaret boycott campaign, said Iqbal, will also be held at the International Labor Organization (ILO) session on June 6, 2021. The Indomaret boycott campaign is also planned to be held in front of the Indonesia Stock Exchange Building.

"Indomaret uses the criminal mode to lay off employees, always uses the criminal mode. People are scared, workers are intimidated," he said.

Iqbal said that the reason KSPI and FSPMI reacted to the Anwar Bessy case was because the sentence against Anwar was a message that management was trying to convey to employees who work in 18,000 Indomaret outlets throughout Indonesia.

"Management is spreading the message that all Indomaret employees in 18,000 outlets, 10 people per outlet, 180,000 people who work in the Indomaret group are sent a message, if you go against the management we will be punished. This is dangerous, it violates the ethics of its name. Such a corporation needs to be fought against ," he said.