Muhadjir Effendy Asks For Data Verification On Social Assistance Recipients Involve Facilitators

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy requested that the verification and validation of data on potential recipients of social assistance in the field involves the role of assistants at the lower level.

The companion in question is a companion to the family hope program (PKH), village assistant, staff of the national population and family planning agency (BKKBN) and Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana) to obtain data in the field.

"This data validation should be submitted to assistants accompanied by RT / RW. All in order to finalize the updating of the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) so that after COVID-19, there is a new database that has been refreshed, which can be used as the basis for updating the Integrated Social Welfare Data. the next assistance, "he said, in a written statement received by VOI, Friday, May 8.

Not only that, Muhadjir also proposed, to form a team consisting of assistants with the coordination of ministries / agencies under the scope of the Coordinating Ministry for PMK such as the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of PDTT, BKKBN, and others in order to accelerate data collection towards updating DTKS.

"I think the problem is in updating and shortcuts. With the involvement of the facilitators, I hope it will be able to speed up data updating at DTKS," he said.

Meanwhile, Muhadjir said, the results of updating the data are also expected to be immediately used for the process of distributing village funds cash social assistance which is currently being prepared by the Ministry of PDTT and the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Social Affairs as the two ministries that are the backbone of the acceleration of handling COVID-19, I ask for coordination with the Deputy Governor of DKI and regional heads to synchronize data so that the presidential social assistance can be properly channeled," he said.

Muhadjir also reminded that the distribution scheme for cash social assistance should really be considered and the data is tidied up again.

Data from Regions

The Ministry of Social Affairs revealed that the data used to distribute social assistance is data obtained from the regions. This data was not verified again, because during the pandemic of the corona virus or COVID-19, the government did not have much time.

Minister of Social Affairs Juliari Batubara said that social assistance in the midst of this pandemic is only a cushion. Therefore, the government must move quickly to distribute aid. All data used were obtained from the social offices of each region.

"Like it or not, whether we like it or not, we can almost say that 100 percent of the data is sent by the regions.

So that the appropriateness of the prospective recipients of social assistance that we receive is not our responsibility, "he said, in a virtual working meeting with Commission VIII, Wednesday, May 6.

Juliari argued that the regions had a better understanding of the conditions of their citizens, including the data collection of potential beneficiaries. He explained that what is meant by a region is the head of the region to the village and sub-district levels.

Juliari admits that it is difficult to collect data on the poor who are entitled to receive social assistance. Because of that, he regrets, if there are parties who think making income is something easy.

"Now suddenly more and more people are becoming experts on data. Thinking data is something easy, something simple. Even though we are an archipelago country with a population of 270 million with several thousand languages, with hundreds of customs, also of course have wisdom. local separate, including in terms of data collection, "he said.

Not only that, according to Juliari, not all regions are easy to collect data. Moreover, the quality of human resources (HR) at the lowest level is not the same from one region to another in collecting data.

Tsunami Assistance Occurs in the Regions

Juliari Batubara said, the types of social assistance for people affected by COVID-19 are quite abundant. Many people get help from various sources. However, this actually disrupted the process of distributing cash assistance provided by the central government.

"The assistance is a lot, so I will term it as a tsunami for social assistance," he said.

Social Minister Juliari Batubara helped provide social assistance. (Photo: Ministry of Social Affairs)

Juliari said that this condition made data collection for direct cash assistance (BLT) neglected. This is because the focus of the data collection officers in the regions is divided. As a result, this BLT was not accepted by the people in need.

Apart from the Ministry of Social Affairs, the community also gets assistance from the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT). Then, every provincial and district / city government also does the same thing to help the community.

"This is because social assistance is currently decreasing almost simultaneously so that the officials below may experience difficulties in collecting data," he said.