PDIP Doesn't Want Coalition Because Of Different Ideology, PKS Hopes Political Parties Are More Mature

JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) respects the attitude of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) which is reluctant to form a coalition because of different ideologies.

"But of course Indonesia's nature is a nature of mutual cooperation, we cannot manage this great country alone," said PKS DPP Chairman Nasir Djamil at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, June 3.

According to him, all political parties have the same ideals to advance and prosper Indonesia. However, Nasir respects the statement and attitude of PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto who refuses to form a coalition with PKS.

"We can understand and respect Pak Hasto's statement. We'll see what the ending will be like, or will there be things that are different from that," said the member of Commission II of the DPR.

Nasir also hopes that political parties in Indonesia can be more mature in responding to the political dynamics of the country.

"We hope that political parties will remain more mature in responding to the political dynamics in Indonesia. And also more mature in viewing other political parties," he said.

Nasir did not deny that what Hasto said was a paradox. The reason is that there is a relationship between the PDIP and PKS coalitions in the Pilkada.

"That's what I said that could be said later today, but it could be said that in the future," he quipped.

Actually, Nasir added, in Indonesia there is no more ideological struggle. He hopes that every political party can build cooperation and avoid statements that have connotations and are perceived as divisions. Because basically political parties want to work together.

"It was exactly what was said earlier, that in several regional elections, PKS, PKS and other parties jointly promoted a candidate for regional head," he said.

It is known that PDIP refused to form a coalition with PKS in the 2024 election. This was revealed by the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Krisityanto in a discussion last week.

Previously, PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu also respected the PDIP's rejection of the coalition. He said that PKS had no problem not having a coalition with PDIP.

"Some time ago there was an attitude that the party did not want to form a coalition with the PKS, please that's a political stance," Syaikhu said, quoted on Wednesday, June 2.

PKS continues to open political relations even though PDIP does not want to form a coalition. According to Syaikhu, it is necessary to build friendship with various elements.