Sad News From PDIP Boyolali, Chairman Of DPRD Paryanyo Dies At RSUD
JAKARTA - The chairman of the Boyolali Regency DPRD, S. Paryanto, is reported to have died at the age of 54 after undergoing treatment at the Pandan Arang Regional General Hospital, Boyolali, Central Java, on Thursday, June 3 at 08.42 WIB.
The late S Paryanto, who was also the Chairperson of the Boyolali District PDI-P DPC, reportedly died after undergoing treatment in the ICU room at Pandan Arang Hospital Boyolali, several days due to illness.
According to the Director of the Pandan Arang Hospital Boyolali Siti Nur Rokhmah Hidayati, the chairman of the Boyolali DPRD S Paryanto was reported to have died, after being treated at the Pandan Arang Hospital for 13 days due to illness.
However, he died which was clearly not due to COVID-19.
Meanwhile, when there was news of the death of a figure from the PDI-P, S Paryanto, members of the Boyolali DPRD were holding a plenary meeting and then it was immediately closed by the Deputy Chair of the Boyoali DPRD, Fuadi.
The officials then came to the hospital. Likewise, Boyolali Regent M. Said Hidayat, and Deputy Regent Wahyu Irawan immediately came to the hospital to see firsthand the news.
Secretary of the Boyolali DPRD, Mulyono Santoso, said the deceased's body was then taken to the funeral home in RT 06 RW 04 Hamlet Karangkepoh Banaran Boyolali Village. The deceased is planned to be buried in the Boyolali DPRD building, at 13.00 WIB.
The body after being buried in the Boyolali DPRD is planned to be buried in the TPU Dukuh Bakalan, Karanggeneng Village, Boyolali.
Boyolali Regent M. Said Hidayat asked for prayers from all the people of Boyolali Regency, may the late S. Paryanto be given a place and the doors of heaven opened for him. Because of what has been done for the struggle of the deceased, in building Boyolali.
The late S Paryanto left a wife Siti Juwariyah, two daughters Siska Rina Sita and Elvara Vanya Febriliana and two grandchildren.