PGN: As Of April 2020, Gas Network Development Is 39 Percent Of The Target

JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) continues to develop natural gas utilization infrastructure in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, such as tightening the target achievement of household gas networks (jargas) through the assignment of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

PGN Corporate Secretary Rachmat Hutama revealed that the construction of household gas lines will continue to run with strict standards to achieve the targeted schedule. The progress of the construction of government jargas with APBN funds until April 2020 has reached 19,099 subscribers.

As of April, the progress of jargas has been built in nine cities / districts, namely North Aceh, Dumai, Banggai Regency, Pasuruan Regency, Probolinggo Regency, Cirebon Regency, Karawang Regency, Bekasi City, and Mojokerto City.

"The progress of the construction of the APBN jargas in April in the emergency situation of COVID-19 has reached around 39 percent. In 2020, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has assigned PGN to complete the construction of 266 thousand household jargas," Rachmat said in a written statement, quoted on Friday, May 8.

Given that this project is being implemented in the midst of the COVID-19 emergency pandemic, the construction of jargas both in public places and in customers' homes follows the established standard health protocol for handling COVID-19.

"The development of jargas construction projects that are currently being carried out by PGN is still running according to target. Although there are several obstacles as a result of COVID-19, including delayed mobilization of project workers, project materials, difficulties in obtaining spare parts for gas equipment because they come from countries affected by COVID-19, and there was a significant increase in the US dollar exchange rate, "said Rachmat.

However, considering the urgency of these projects, PGN remains committed to implementing them according to the predetermined schedule so that the development of natural gas infrastructure and steps to meet people's natural gas needs does not experience delays.

Rachmat added that PGN coordinated with BNPB, Directorate General of Oil and Gas, and Pertamina Group to obtain recommendations and operational support during the COVID-19 emergency response period for the distribution of project materials.

In addition, it also coordinates with internal PGN and Pertamina Group regarding the use of stock materials in the APBN project.

"The government jargas program is a concern for PGN, because this program is an assignment by the government as one of the national strategic projects in the context of the national energy mix. Through jargas, the public can enjoy the benefits of natural gas directly, so that people get more value for their daily productivity. continue to strive for strategic projects to achieve the target by the end of 2020, "said Rachmat.

Pay Bills from Home

In addition to reducing the risk of spreading COVID-19, PGN issued a policy of recording gas usage during the COVID-19 pandemic emergency status for household customers and small customers, as well as paying gas bills through various online payment channels such as Gopay, Tokopedia, LinkAja, and Klik Indomaret. , so customers don't have to leave the house.

PGN currently manages more than 390 thousand household line lines spread across various regions in Indonesia with pipe lengths of more than 3,800 km.

In achieving the National Energy General Plan (RUEN), which is 4.7 million connections by 2025, PGN and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources have prepared several jargas programs, funded not only through the APBN but also PGN and PPP internal funds.

As for 2020, there will be network development with APBN totaling 266 thousand connections in 49 regencies / cities and PGN-funded jargas with 500 thousand connections in 2020-2021.