5 Asmaul Husna's Name That Is Often Sung But Not Many Understand Its Benefits

JAKARTA-Asmaul husna are the best names for Allah, asmaul husna is ninety-nine (99), the pronunciation of these names is in accordance with the attributes of Allah the Great and Wise.

As reported from tebuireng online, nowadays the writing of asmaul husna circulates as home decoration and calligraphy affixed on the wall.

Asmaul husna has been widely described by asatidz and ustadazth in schools and boarding schools as well as majlis ta'lim, mentioned in Al-Quran surat Al-A'raf:

ولله الاسما الحسنى فادعوبها

Meaning: Allah SWT has asmaul husna so pray to Him by mentioning the name of asmaul husna.

From the verses of the Qur'an above, it is hoped for Muslims to always mention and recite dhikr by mentioning ninety-nine of the best names of Allah.

And if it is done then it will get the reward, magfirah, and also the peace of success of the afterlife.

It has been stated in many hadiths about the benefits of asmaul husna. One of them is when praying interspersed with the recitation of asmaul husna insaAllah the wish in the prayer will be granted by Allah SWT.

In addition, if we really memorize and practice it insaAllah we will be admitted to His heaven.

In the hadith is mentioned:

عن ابى هريرة رضى الله عنه ان رسول الله ص م قال ان الله تسعة وتسعين اسما مائة الا واحد من احصاها دخل الجنه

Meaning: from Abi Hurairah ra. that Rasulullah SAW said “That Allah has 99 names, which is one hundred minus one. Whoever memorizes it will enter heaven.

For those who want to believe and believe in Allah SWT, then asmaul husna really has potential and benefits that are not small when viewed in terms of obtaining rewards and magfiroh from Allah and the guarantee of success in this world and the hereafter.

As for the 5 names of asmaul husna that are often sung by Muslims but do not understand much about its benefits

1. Ar-Rahman (The Most Gracious)

For someone who reads "Yaa Rahman" 500 times after each obligatory prayer, then insaAllah will get peace of mind and not feel nervous and forgetful.

2. Ar-Rahim (The Most Merciful)

When we often recite "Yaa Rohim" as many as 100 times a day with the permission of Allah, insaAllah people who see us will feel compassion for us.

3. As-Salam (The Giver of Salvation)

If you want to be given healing by Allah, one of the ways is to recite dhikr by saying his name "Yaa Salam" 136 times every day, insaAllah, given healing by Allah.

4. Al-Fattahu (Opener of the Door of Mercy)

In order for our hearts to be made clean and pure and bright so that every matter is made easier by Allah, then read the lafadz "Yaa Fattah" 71 times and place both palms on the chest. Do it every time you finish the dawn prayer.

5. Al-Latifu (The Most Forbearing)

In order to always be given taufiq and his sustenance is launched by Allah, then recite the name of Allah "Yaa Latif" 129 times during the day or night.

All the benefits of asmaul husna will not be achieved if the other acts of worship are also not perfect depending on each other.