Bogor Regency Government Trains Village Heads To Manage "One Billion One Village" Funds

BOGOR - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Bogor, West Java trains village heads (kades) to manage finances well before accepting the village financial assistance program, One Billion One Village (Samisade).

"The budget managed by this village is quite large, starting from the allocation of village funds (ADD), village funds (DD) and Samisade (one billion one village) it is important to know how to manage it," said Bogor Regent Ade Yasin in Cibinong, Bogor quoted Between, Wednesday, June 2nd.

According to him, village heads who pass the Samisade program will undergo technical guidance (bimtek) at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) University to study budget management to measure village potential.

"People who want to go to school at IPB are very difficult, the village heads only need to enter and follow every direction and training for technical guidance," said Ade Yasin.

The Bogor Regency Government disbursed Samisade funds amounting to Rp318.5 billion to 356 villages to stimulate the development of village infrastructure, which is expected to encourage villages from developing to advanced status.

“Out of 416 villages, there are still underdeveloped villages. With Samisade, it is hoped that underdeveloped villages will develop and develop developed villages," said Ade Yasin.

The PPP politician said that in the first batch, there were 54 villages that received Samisade from 114 villages. Meanwhile, 60 villages were late in submitting proposals. Ade Yasin then gave a deadline until the end of June so that financial assistance could be budgeted in the 2021 APBD Amendment.

"But for next year, there is no longer any change in the (budget) change, it must be in the pure APBD," said Ade Yasin.